Stinnett Family

My Photo
Location: Maryland, United States

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter at Poppy and Grandma's House

Easter morning was chilly, but by the afternoon it had warmed up for the annual Easter Egg hunt at our great grandfather's house. There were about 25 great-grandchildren young enough to participate in the fun this year!

Miss Casey bundled up to find her eggs
Baby Mark's first Easter Egg Hunt

Wow, John Boy- look at all your eggs!
Macey on the run

Lighting speed as Cloe flies by!
Little Kayla, windblown and rosy cheeked after gathering her eggs
Aidan had a great Easter
Opening the eggs on Poppy's floor
Trading, testing and counting their candy
Time to go next door to Grandmom's house for Easter dinner!
Everyone gathers to ask God's blessing and eat together

Poppy with Uncle Tommy (who painted the boys' bedroom while John was in the NY hospital)
Cullen and Jacob love to trip up people by saying they aren't the twin you called! Anyway we know better, boys! :) Here they are trying "to smile the same"!
Nick and James smile for the camera. They look like they are up to something!

Wrapping up the left overs

The kitchen clean up crew

Cloe and Jalyn have fun playing together
Luke enjoys a tickle from his big cousin, Daniel

Happy Easter! Jesus Christ is Risen Indeed!

A Journey of Faith

Friday, March 21, 2008

A Journey of Faith

Today is the sixth month anniversary since John’s brain surgery. There is so much to be thankful for. God has truly been good to us the last few months and John has recovered amazingly well. He runs around like a normal little boy. We just have to be careful if he starts playing rough or when he is with a lot of other children. Because of the surgery and other abnormalities, his head doesn’t have the full neck support.

Thinking back to the day of John’s first surgery, we remember the hours of waiting and the intense relief when he first spoke to us after the eight hour operation. We want to thank the Lord Jesus Christ because with His arms carrying us we made it through and to everyone for their love, prayers and support for John.

A week before John's brain surgery his sisters and their friend Deanna wrote this song called "A Journey of Faith.

Vocals~ Susan, Jennifer, Amy and Sarah Stinnett,
Piano~ Deanna
Flute ~ Amy Stinnett

John with his celebration cake

Friday, March 14, 2008

Spring is Coming!

Flowers are starting to bloom around the house

John and his sunny smile :)

A little boy's life

Jen and Daniel playing a game of knock-out

Amy showing her athletic abilities! :)

Resting after a long day