Stinnett Family

My Photo
Location: Maryland, United States

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Sarah's New Look

Sarah had her hair cut yesterday! It was almost to her waist and now it is just below her shoulders. These are pictures from today.

Spring is in bloom at our house!

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Sunday afternoon we went to Mr. Beachy's farm to fish.

Mr. Beachy

Daniel looking for worms

"Well, now, take down your fishin pole and meet me at the fishin hole,

We may not get a bite all day, but don’t you rush away.

What a great place to rest your bones and mighty fine for skippin stones,

You’ll feel fresh as a lemonade, a-settin in the shade.

Whether it’s hot, whether it’s cool, oh what a spot for whistlin like a fool.

What a fine day to take a stroll & wander by

The fishin hole, I can’t think of a better way to pass the time o’ day."
~by Everett Sloane~

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Work Day

Construction on our house continues but ....

... with a new manager! :)

John and Daniel enjoyed helping whenever they could. Daniel said he was the janitor- picking up after the men!

Friday, March 23, 2007

A Musical Day in Philadelphia

Daniel and cousin Gareth getting ready for the concert by playing a little of their own music! :)
Yummy Italian pastries

We walked the seven blocks to the Kimmel Center. Along the way we enjoyed the murals painted on buildings like the one above.
This is an unusual garden wall with everything you can imagine in it.
The Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts, home of the Philadelphia Orchestra.
We heard the music of Britten- Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge, Rachmaninoff- Rhapsody on Theme of Pagnini, Op.43, and Elgar- Variations on an Original Theme, Op.36 ("Enigma"). Rossen Milanov was the conductor and Andrew von Oeyen was the pianist.
Looking straight down on the orchestra before the concert began.

Here's a side view.

Mr. Courtney is the Double Bass player in the orchestra and a friend of our aunt and uncle. He took us back stage and answered our questions. Here we are with our kind host.

Our time with Mr. Neil Courtney was cut short due to an fire alarm evacuation!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Mark Hits 5lb!!

Mark now weighs 5lb, 1 oz and 3 grams! He had to have his oxygen put back in after we left on the 20th. Today he sucked 12 ml of his bottle and then took the rest in the feeding tube. As soon as he masters eating and breathing totally on his own he can go home to his six eager siblings- most of whom haven't seen Mark in person yet!


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Celebrating the 1st Day of Spring!

We celebrated spring by...

enjoying Baby Mark ...

seeing our flowers growing round our house and going to Rita's for free Italian Ice!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Getting Bigger!

Here is another photo update on Baby Mark from today. Aunt Penel isn't allowed to drive for four weeks after her Cesarean so Susan took her to see Mark. He is off his oxygen right now and is doing his breathing all on his own. The nurses have taken him off his oxygen twice already but then he needed it again. Hopefully this time he can be off for keeps!

He is wearing his new preemie clothes!

"Mmm...should I really let Mommy change my diaper or not?!"

Susan holding Mark for the first time

Practicing sucking

Looking at Mommy


We Love Campfires!

Amy and Daniel keeping their distance-it was quite windy!

Ah, the cozy fire

Jen through a smoky haze

John keeping his eye on the marshmallows

Mmmm-so good! :)

Monday, March 19, 2007

2 Week Old Birthday

At midnight last night Baby Mark turned two weeks old! (Today is also his big sister, Cloe's 7th birthday!)
This afternoon Susan caught Mark sleeping with her camera. He is learning to suck his bottle and meanwhile still depends on his feeding tube. He weighs 4lb, 11 oz now- almost back up to his birth weight.

He is just like a baby doll! Isn't he so cute?!

A head full of dark hair

tiny little feet


Saturday, March 17, 2007

Next Chapter on the Porch

Our friends, Mr. Ted and his son Trent came over to put up drywall. They got a lot done in one day.

This is their dandy tool to help hold the drywall to the celling.

One end of the porch...

to the other end.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

John's Home from the Hospital

The last couple weeks we battled the flu and lots of fevers. Just when we thought the bug was gone, a new wave came in.
At the doctor's office, John's high fever went extremely high causing a seizure. He had instant help from the doctor and several nurses, who called an ambulance and sent him to the ER. He came home that night but by the next afternoon he was admitted back to the hospital for dehydration and and a drop in his sugar

He is back home today and doing well. John didn't mind his overnight stay too much. He said it was like staying at a hotel except for the IV pole, which he didn't like at all.

Baby Mark also has a good report- He was moved back to the hospital he was born at and only has two tubes now- oxygen and feeding. He is off the breathing machine and the next things he needs to learn are sucking and swallowing.

Waiting for the doctor to release him so he can have the IV out. The nurse gave him the piggie- when you squeeze the pig it makes noise and makes John smile!

Monday, March 12, 2007

A Girl's Life

What are little girls made of?

Sugar and spice,

And all things nice

That's what little girls are made of