Stinnett Family

My Photo
Location: Maryland, United States

Friday, June 10, 2011

Father/ Daughter Retreat in Georgia

Our friends, the Smiths of Georgia are hosting a Father/Daughter Retreat this September. David Barrett and his daughter, Elysse will be the main speakers. The Barretts wrote a book called "Fathers and Daughters: Raising Polished Cornerstones". The event will include fishing, canoeing, games, a dress-up ball, music, fellowship and much more!

Please check out the link to the Daughters of Sarah Father-Daughter Retreat website!

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Piano Recital 2011

This is our after recital picture with our teacher, Mrs. Pat Berlen.

  • John played "Home on the Range" and "Colorful Sonatina"

  • Daniel~ "You Raise Me Up"

  • Daniel & Sarah did a duet called "Carnivale"

  • Sarah played "Beautiful Dreamer"

  • Susan ~ "Sometimes I feel Like a Motherless Child" and the first four Waltzes by Brahms

  • Amy~ "Toccata in D" and a duet with Jen, "Sabre Dance"

  • Jennifer~ "Malaguena" and a duet with Mrs. Berlen, "Hanon Goes Haywire"