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Location: Maryland, United States

Friday, October 26, 2007

A little of this and that

On Esther Joy- An email from her father said she is in the 'maintenance' part of her first treatment, when the negative effects of chemotherapy shows up. Her white blood count is at 0, which means she has no immune system. It will take about two weeks for that to come back up. Her parents ask, "Please pray specifically that her white blood count will rise quickly and that she will regain her appetite and that she will not develop mucictitus." They also said they are very grateful for all the cards and prayers for their family.

John Boy had physical therapy today. He is doing extremely well in recovering from his Chairi/ brain surgery. He doesn't need therapy anymore! He moves his head much better on his own and is trying hard to keep up with his big brother and doing a good job at it! :) He's had a few bowel/ bladder accidents recently. That is related to the tethered cord, which is the next surgery. The Chairi decompression surgery helped relieve some of those issues for a little while. We received the doctor/neurosurgeons reports in the last week. Mom has been researching John's issues and complications with the decompression and what we have to look for in the future.

Our neighbour from when we lived in Galena, died in a tractor accident this past week. Mr. Turner helped us a year ago put in a new shed behind our house. Yesterday and today were the viewing and funeral services. The girls helped by playing music for it. Please remember their family in your prayers.

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