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Location: Maryland, United States

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Memorial Day Monday we spent in North Carolina at the Brown's Family Farm.

Mrs. Brown holding Triumph, Daniel and John Boy watching a police dog demonstration

Riding in old WWII jeeps was a big hit

It was a delight to be able to say "thank you'' to the veterans

Mr. Doug Phillips and Mr. Scott Brown talk about the meaning of Memorial Day

Mr. Henderson and Mr. Bill Brown shared their experiences in WW2

Wonderful music lead to a festive atmosphere

Talking with veterans was a highlight

Jennifer spends time with Marine Colonel Bill Henderson

The four brothers -3 fought in WWII -1 in Korea

3 Generations - Knox with his mother Kelly and his grandfather Scott Brown in the background

Stinnett siblings with Mr. Ezra Hill, a Tuskegee Airman


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